
About Us

IUAS Education ltd. (International University Admission Service) is an education consulting firm that helps students to get admission through international universities. We build bridges between our students with the many Institutes of higher education in different countries. Our admission services are structured for international students and UK home students. Through IUAS Education, overseas intending students can study in the UK, USA, Australia and many more countries. To get international universities admission and student visa students must fulfill different types of requirements for different countries' universities. IUAS Education helps students to get prepare themselves and require documents for individual universities and countries. We also provide aureate guidance to help students make the right choices. So we get in touch with the students to find the correct course and university for them. Our experienced team offers authentic and resourceful information and solutions to students interested in studying at their chosen university and country. We are dedicated to offering multiple services and help to the students anytime they need even we ensure that the services and help will be continued after completion of the course in the UK, USA, and Australia. Our ultimate goal is to invest our time and experience for our students to build a bright future. UAS Education ltd. (International University Admission Service) is an education consulting firm that helps students to get admission through international universities. We build bridges between our students with the many Institutes of higher education in different countries. Our admission services are structured for international students and UK home students. Through IUAS Education, overseas intending students can study in the UK, USA, Australia, and many more countries. To get international universities admission and student visa students must have to fulfill different types of requirements for different countries' universities. IUAS Education helps students to get prepare themselves and require documents for individual universities and countries. We also provide aureate guidance to help students make the right choices. So we get in touch with the students to find the correct course for them. Our experienced team offers authentic and resourceful information and solutions to students interested in studying at their chosen university and country. We are dedicated to offering multiple services and help to the students anytime they need even we will ensure that the services and help will be continued after completion of the course in the UK, USA, and Australia. Our ultimate goal is to invest our time and experience for our students to build a bright future.

Welcome to our team

Md. Ahsan Uddin

Sales & Marketing

Zakaria Chowdhury

Managing Director

Juherul Islam Chowdhury

Business Development Manager

Abser Suvo

Co-Founder, Office Manager